Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Make a difference @ work!!!

Businesses all across the globe generate huge volumes of paper waste each day.
Some Office Paper Facts
  • Typical business and financial offices generate about over 2 pounds of waste paper per employee per day.
  • Nearly half of typical office paper waste is comprised of high grade office paper, for which there is strong recycling demand.
  • Eliminating office paper from your waste stream can cut your waste bill by 50 percent or more.
  • Recycling one ton of paper typically saves $15 to $30 in landfill disposal costs and about 6.7 cubic yards of landfill space.
  • Commercial paper waste accounts for over 40 percent of waste currently being landfill and by eliminating paper from waste would double the lives of current landfills.
  • Every recycled ton of paper saves approximately 17 trees, approximately 462 gallons of oil. Recycling paper also reduces the air and water pollution due to paper manufacturing.

Here is a quick and easy guide to help that average office employee pioneer in the green movement. What better way to earn “green” points with your boss!!!

1.  Become the Office Recycling Coordinator
  • Represent the program to both management and employees.
  • Developing a plan of action with measurable goals, feasible timetable.
  • Inform employees of the recycle system and their roles in the project.
  • Monitoring program results to identify and resolve problems.

2.  Determine what is recyclable

·         Letterhead
·         Computer paper
·         Bond copier paper
·         Notepad or scratch paper
·         Tablet paper
·         Plain envelopes
·         Stationery
·         Typing paper
  • Colored paper
  • Business forms
  • Manila folders

              3. If all else fails, get a box, sort your own paper, lead by example.

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