Monday, March 21, 2011

Hey! Hey! Earth Day!

Hey Hey  Earth Day!!!
If someone asked you how you will make a difference, what would you say? What would you have done? People all over world have committed to unite in one voice and celebrate our planet by demonstrating a healthy lifestyle towards our environment. April 22, 2011 will mark the 51st year our world has come together to look to a new future-a future that will that will be environmentally conscious of itself and it all starts with you.
To be stewards of this blue bouncing ball, we must look to our daily lives and see what small steps at change could do to reduce, reuse or recycle our foot print on this planet. We have come to realize that in protecting our natural environment, we are also protecting our human environment. Just by recycling paper, we could help slow down global warming, deforestation and landfill space. Public transit and car pooling are other ways to revaluate carbon pollution in saving green for your wallet. Energy retrofitting your home saves money while increasing energy efficiency, conservation and promotes a green economy. Taking a walk with family and friends instead of potato planting yourself on the couch, this connects you in a way with family and nature that being green is all about.
Use cloth napkins and dish towels instead of paper towels. Reuse paper and plastic bags at the grocery store and say no to “Paper or Plastic”. Pay bills or do banking online and save a bird from losing its home. Turn the faucet off when you are brushing your teeth. Support “green businesses” by purchasing recycled products. In the 21st century, there are thousands of ways you can “go green” today!
Earth day is a celebration of our planet, but more importantly, it is a celebration of people coming together as one.  
How will spend this Earth Day?

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