Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Easy Steps to reduce, reuse, recycle our daily consumption

·         Put a “No Junk Mail” sticker on your mailbox. This will help reduce your daily trash.
·         Reuse old envelopes to re-mail letters-use to write notes and shopping lists.
·         Make banking and utility payments online. Send documents electronically. Print on both sides of paper.
·         Use cloth napkins or towels for eating or spills instead of paper towels. Toilet paper rolls can be recycled-they’re made of cardboard.
·         Reuse plastic containers from previous items for storage. Old containers can be used for left -over’s and lunches.
·         Egg cartons, holiday and birthday cards, magazines, newspapers and most small containers can be used for crafts, art projects and gifts for children, older adults and  for just about everyone.
·         Purchase products that have been made from recycled materials. Buy items that require the least amount of packaging. Shop consciously about what items will have an impact on the environment.
·         Use Less.
·         Purchase items from local resale shops. Support local fix-it shops to do repair on older items instead of replacing them.
·         Recycle old house hold items like bedding, kitchen appliances, washers, dryers, refrigerators and old clothing to your local social organizations or other organizations like Good Will or the Salvation Army.
·         Reuse plastic bags for other shopping trips, scrunched up for storage of antiques or other precious items, picking up your pet’s droppings, holding wet clothing on vacations.  Place bag at the bottom of a house hold plant or hanging basket for better drainage.
·         Companies like eBay and Best Buy will recycle electronics like computers, TV’s, phones and monitors in selected cities. Please check their sites and your local municipality for what recycling programs are in your area.

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