Arizona - Could the green movement be taking root in the desert sands of Kingman, AZ.? With recent tragic events surrounding the Japanese nuclear plants, the Gulf which suffered the largest oil spill in U.S. history and rising energy costs, alternative energy resources are taking more of a center stage in an ever growing energy crisis. Western Wind Energy Corporation, based out of Vancouver, Canada has purchased over one thousand acres of land, as well as leasing to the upwards of 22,000 acres to build a wind farm. The Steel Park project, once completed, will generate 215 megawatts of electricity annually, stretching over 1,500 acres.
This energy revolution has already started in the Great Lakes region. 88 Danish-built windmills stretch 400 feet into the sky just east of Lake Winnebago in Wisconsin. They're capable of producing enough energy from the airstream to power 36,000 homes, according to We Energies. Wisconsin currently has 469 megawatts of total wind capacity from similar projects. Hanging in the balance as Wisconsinites battle over a budget deficit, is 725 megawatts in proposed wind projects across the state. Estimating in over $1.8 billion in new investment comes 2 million hours of construction, electrician, and engineer and mechanic jobs. With high unemployment rates, this may be the deciding factor in the expansion of a more green-collar market in the state. Plans are already in the works to place several hundred more wind turbines along the lake coast.
According to the WWE website, 50 secure green-collar and tech jobs will be produced for each project developed in the Kingman area. The opportunity to sell the utilities to states like California will help create jobs for not only Kingman, but for the surrounding areas. WWE is also scouting other locations in and around the Kingman area for additional wind projects. It is also said plans for a thermo solar project may be well under way. The potential advantages to planting the turbines all across the country will help spur countless job growth from this eco-investment and will help start repowering America and reduce its dependence on foreign oil.