Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Buy organic

Buying organic foods like meats, dairy products, fish, fruit, coffee and tea is perhaps one of the most important steps to improving the environment. A trip to your local market that supplies locally grown fruits and vegetables result in less energy used to transport products and goods to your area.

Foods are typically grown in soils that have been fertilized and sprayed by chemical fertilizers and pesticides to prevent insect infestation, extended shelf life and added preservatives to flavor and improve taste and packaging convenience. Certain scientific studies suggest that the rise in illnesses like digestive problems and some cancers are linked to the chemicals we use on our foods. Conventional foods today have the highest levels of contamination then ever in our history.

Organic foods are grown without the use of chemically synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, antibiotics and hormones added to alter the fruit, vegetable or meat. Farmers who grow organic products or goods improve the environment on the farm by sound soil ecology practices and are able to produce more nutritious fruits and vegetables.

Not only purchasing organic products good for the environment, it is also good for your health. You can take big strides in a more healthier lifestyle by taking small steps to buying organic versions of the everyday products you purchase. You will be taking care of the planet and your health all at the same time.

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