Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Green Jobs

In the next several years, the potential for “green” collar jobs from firms and organizations to create a new job sector with the sole purpose to improve environmental quality through products and services will be considered the norm. The new industries that small businesses will embark on will consist of zero waste, energy conservation, solar power, green construction and an assortment of other green expansion programs that will increase rapidly. Experts say that the “green” market for everything from organic cleaning products to green landscaping, hybrid cars and eco-tourism will grow at least by 10% annually. It is projected that the consumer will pay up to 15% for new and innovative green products and services.
The challenge of building a “green” economy that shifts towards sustainability will be the biggest project that allows opportunities for urban America and the planet to restart a new wave of economic activity. If the global market allows expansion of local “green” collar jobs for environmental quality in their area, a significant growth could begin to turn the global economic situation around. This is the challenge of building a “green” economy.
This is a clear understanding that “green” collar jobs will be made available to workers with limited education and skills that will provide stable living wages and benefits to workers and families-with the opportunity for growth. “Green” collar jobs will offer workers a supportive network and experience that will contribute to eco-improvements on our planet. This emerging “green” economy will start with everyday citizens who will commit to pioneering in the “green” movement and support policies designed to improve environmental restoration and quality. 
Here are a few examples of green collar jobs:
·         Energy retrofits for local businesses.
·         Green manufacturing jobs.
·         Bicycle repair.
·         Maintaining park services.
·         Public transit.
·         Bicycle repair.
·         Products produced from recycled products.
·         Wind and Solar installations.
·         Green Building.
·         Urban Agriculture.
·         Weatherization.

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