A few months ago, I wrote the President of the United States and was pleasantly surprise today when I received in the mail a response. Unfortunately, my scanner cuts off a portion of the letter, but I am still stoked about our correspondence and felt compelled to share it with everyone. The letter has the Presidential Seal on White House stationary as well as the envelope has the official White House Seal.
Granted the postage date reads two days ago, and if anyone has been paying attention to the news as of late, the President has been in Europe for the last 5 days. It is post marked on the 22nd of this month and makes reference to what I was writing about. Chances are, one of the White House Aides wrote this letter and they used the Presidential Auto Pen to sign his name.
There is also a recyclable water mark embedded in the letter, which also surprised me because I wrote to Obama expressing our Nations need to take the lead with Green Technologies. I wanted to share this letter with everyone for the simple fact that an ordinary citizen can take the initiative and express to our leaders what we as US Citizens, would like our country to be in the future.
Thank you President Obama, for taking the time to write back.
“Barack Obama 2012”
A proud American who strongly supports this President.
Jason Gosseck